Lockdown Team Blog - Series 2: Joanne Haslam
15 March 2021
2 minutes to read.
Last year, our teams produced a series of blogs written by colleagues across multiple divisions of the company. They provided a small insight into our evolving working practices and values as we all adjusted to our new post-COVID19 world. Now we're back with our second series!
Here is the tenth in our 2nd series of posts from our Head of Fast Track RTA, Joanne Haslam
“As I am sure was the case for many of us, I found the first lockdown undeniably challenging. Adapting to a new way of working, brushing up on my IT skills, and keeping my children fully stocked with snacks very quickly became my new daily routine.
My cunning plan to become a multi-tasking superwoman juggling work, home-schooling, exercising and housework soon fell by the wayside (I failed miserably unless you count doing laps to the fridge).
In addition to dealing with the pandemic, my colleagues across the business were managing their own personal circumstances with childcare, exams, missing their sports, caring for family members who were unwell and or in care.
As I started to get into the swing of things, I was struck by the amazing adaptability of ‘Team Carpenters’ and in awe of how resilient we are. Everyone pulled together to support each other throughout this unprecedented time and it has been simply phenomenal. You lot truly are a fantastic bunch! I am incredibly proud to be part of a business which has embraced change and what I think has a very positive future. As far as our clients are concerned, it has been business as usual and long may this continue.
I am now definitely more confident with working from home. I have managed to replace the morning commute with a bit of ‘me time’. Mornings now consist of a long walk, in practice for a lockdown dog I have been conned into by my children and setting myself up for another productive day. Dare I say it, working from home has actually provided an opportunity to reassess what works well but has also highlighted more effective and flexible ways of working as we move forward towards the new normal.
I still have many different feelings about this whole experience but increasingly the main feeling I have is one of optimism for the future. Optimism for continuing to maintain a healthy work-life balance, optimism of the effects that changes will have on the continued success of the business supporting us to evolve, optimism about spending time with friends and family in the very near future and optimism of a better tomorrow for all of us.”
About the author
Joanne Haslam, Head of Fast Track RTA
After starting in the Legal Profession in 1997, and having held previous management roles, Joanne joined Carpenters Group in 2005. Joanne initially worked as a Legal Adviser in the RTA Department and has since progressed through our business to Deputy Team Manager, Team Manager, Litigation Department Manager before undertaking her current role as Head of Fast Track RTA and a member of the Operations Board.
As Head of Fast Track RTA, Joanne oversees our Fast Track Litigation, Portal, ULR and Recoveries Departments. Joanne is responsible for the departmental performance and reports into the Executive Board in relation to issues, trends and initiatives to ensure processes are effective and efficient.
In her spare time, Joanne enjoys spending time with her family and skiing.