Team Carpenters - Bobby Jo Doherty

19 August 2021

We’re passionate about Learning & Development and have a culture of promoting internally.


We hear from Bobby Jo Doherty about where she is up to in her career and what is next for her on her legal career path.


Read Bobby Jo's story:

“I started my CILEX Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship in July 2019. The actual course commenced in September 2019 which gave me a few months to settle in before having to study. Throughout my course I have studied Introduction to Law and practice, Tort, Civil Litigation, Legal Research and Client Care as well as having prepared a portfolio of work alongside this. The portfolio demonstrates different competencies including the following:

  • Ethics, professionalism and judgement
  • Technical Legal Practice
  • Managing themselves and their own work
  • Working with other people

To date I have passed all modules I have been entered for: Introduction to Law and Practice, Legal research and Client Care. I have recently completed my End Point Assessment which comprised of two assessments in Tort and Civil Litigation as well as an interview based on my portfolio. I am scheduled to receive my results for my End Point Assessment on 9th September 2021 and will then be a Paralegal with a CILEX Level 3 Certificate in Law & Practice.

I have been enrolled and accepted onto the Level 7 Solicitors Apprenticeship which is a 6 year course at BPP University (where I did my Paralegal course) in which I will work one day per week to obtain a LLB Law Degree for the first four years and then spend the final two years preparing for and taking the Solicitor Qualifying exam (SQE). This is scheduled to start in September 2021 but the date is yet to be confirmed.

As always I am very thankful for the support I have received from you.”
