Carpenters Group first Defendant Chronic Pain Roundtable!

27 January 2023

On Monday 23rd January 2023, we held our first Defendant Chronic Pain Roundtable at 1 Wimpole Street, London.

The event begun with Sean Harris, our Principle Lead for Defendant Large Loss & CAT PI, welcoming and introducing guests.

Then our first guest speaker, Gavin Rimmer, Managing Director at Unity Health Group, spoke about the impact of NICE 2021 on chronic pain services and if we can break the cycle.

Next up we had our guest speaker Dr Bret Claxton, Consultant in Anaesthesia & Chronic Pain, who discussed the relevance of new NICE guidance on clinical practice and personal injury presentations.

Our final guest speaker, Devika Colwill, Consultant Psychiatrist, spoke to us about psychological triage and how current guidance & science informs treatment recommendations in clinical and legal settings.

Once all of our guest speakers had finished, we ended our inaugural Defendant Chronic Pain Roundtable by having a Panel Discussion with experts Charlie Woodhouse KC and our very own Sean Harris. Topics discussed were; identification of claims, red flags, KYO behaviour, current trends and horizon spotting.

We then finished the day with some nibbles and networking!
