Charity Spotlight: Aftermath Support
03 April 2024
2 minute read.
Carpenters Group are proud to partner with so many amazing charities and good causes that do vital work in our local communities. Every month we shine the spotlight on one of these to showcase everything they have to offer.
This month we have picked Aftermath Support - A charity providing support for all those involved in a road traffic collision. Their aim is to help you, emotionally and practically, in the weeks and months ahead.
We spoke to Karen Blair, CEO at Aftermath:
April: Aftermath Support
Aftermath Support is a registered charity serving those affected by fatal and catastrophic road traffic collisions primarily in Merseyside and across the Northwest. Founded in 2004, our mission is to be a trusted source of guidance and support for anyone impacted by road harm, offering high quality and individualised services that address their emotional, practical, and informational needs, to help them through the aftermath and towards a brighter future. At Aftermath, we help all of those affected by serious road collision, including bereaved families of lost loved ones, survivors with critical injuries whose lives have been permanently altered, witnesses to collisions seeking to process graphic trauma memories, emergency first responders suffering from trauma exposure, concerned community members impacted emotionally by immense suffering, and even drivers themselves needing support without stigma. Since its inception, Aftermath has supported more than 14,000 victims and families to deal with the impact that being involved in an RTC has on their lives, with too many having to cope with the grieving process. The reality for those affected by road harm is devastating and can lead to severe, and long-term, emotional, psychological, and physical suffering.
What do you do?
We offer free and confidential services shaped around the unique needs of each individual and family to empower them to take control of their journey towards stability and purpose again. These services include but are not limited to:
- Emotional support such as someone to listen without judgement, access to trauma counselling, and bereavement and crisis support groups.
- Practical guidance around legal processes, financial access, and rehabilitation options
- Advice and information bespoke to their individual circumstances, such as how to access funeral grants or benefits after the loss of the main household income.
- A compassionate, understanding, and safe space to articulate fears, pain, and goals.
- Access to specialist therapeutic interventions to improve symptoms of trauma, anxiety, and depression.
We provide trusted, knowledgeable, ethical, and person-centred support for all of those profoundly impacted by the life-changing losses and injuries sustained on local roads, recognising witnesses equally experience lasting trauma which requires sensitive specialist assistance. Our assistance begins from the initial aftermath in the hours following a collision and journeys alongside families and victims through court proceedings, rehabilitation efforts, reintroduction to community and work life and onward into building fulfilling lives again despite enduring and complex grief and trauma.
How can people seek support from you?
People involved in a fatal or serious injury collision in Merseyside should be offered our service by their Family Liaison Officer or Collision Investigation Officer in Merseyside Police, however anybody from across the Northwest can self-refer by calling us, emailing us or completing the contact form on our website, all our contact information can be found here Contact us - Aftermath Support
Are you looking for volunteers?
There are so many opportunities available throughout the year to volunteer with us. We are always keen to hear from people who would like to volunteer to fundraise for us or who may be interested in hearing more about supporting the Charity by becoming a Trustee. More information can be found on our website here Recruitment - Aftermath Support or by calling our CEO Karen Blair on 0151 777 2562 or 07921 832 716.
How can people find out more?
Aftermath Support is a service that people won’t have heard of until the worst time of their lives. For this reason, as well as offering support to those affected, we also offer free talks about our service to professionals and community groups.
For further information, help or support please contact us on 0845 634 4273 or 0151 777 2562 or e-mail: or complete the contact form on our website: Contact us - Aftermath Support
Below is a picture of the Aftermath team receiving a service excellence award from Cheshire PCC John Dwyer for their work with Cheshire Police Serious Collision and Investigation.