Donna Scully announced as one of Insurance Business UK’s Elite Women 2023!
13 March 2023
We are incredibly proud to announce that our Director, Donna Scully, has been announced as one of Insurance Business UK’s Elite Women 2023!
Insurance Business UK’s Elite Women winners are known not only for their standout professional performance and ongoing commitment to DE&I, volunteering and charity work, but also their dedication to ultimately achieving full gender equity in the workplace.
Donna Scully said: “Being listed as one of Insurance Business UK’S Elite Women for 2023 is amazing! As a lawyer, it is great to be recognised within the insurance industry. It’s an honour to be featured alongside so many inspirational women.”
We are delighted to see that Donna has been recognised for the brilliant woman she is.
IBUK Elite Women 2023 - Donna Scully (