What does Pride mean to our people?
27 July 2023
We are looking forward to celebrating in #ACityfullofPride in Liverpool this Saturday 29th July, 11.30AM, St. George's Hall.
Thanks to Fans Supporting Foodbanks for getting involved and collecting donations on the day - bring items if you can!
Our Director, Donna Scully, said:
"I am very much looking forward to walking for Liverpool Pride this year, with many of my colleagues at Carpenters Group and some of my friends from Ireland also!
Walking with Pride and acknowledging the progress that our society has made, is something that you will all know that I feel incredibly passionate about!
I am very aware of how far we have come, especially when I think back to the Dublin that I grew up in.
Progress has been made, there is no doubt about that, but there is still so much more to do and so much more we can change for the better.
Everyone should feel empowered to love who they want to love, and be who they want to be.
One of my favourite sayings of all time is ‘Love is love’, and I can honestly say that I truly believe this. That is why Pride is so very important to me."